NPTEL stands for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning which is an initiative by seven Indian Institutes of Technology. IITs are the excessively renowned engineering institutes of the country. An initiative conjunctly commenced by IIT Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), NPTEL is highly appreciated course in this era of education.
Five engineering branches (Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics and Communication and Mechanical) and core science programmes that all engineering students are required to take in their undergraduate engineering programme in India were chosen initially for NPTEL program but later on courses of management were also summoned in it. NPTEL offers more than 370 subjects for training and examination purpose.It was believed that the quality of education offered did not match the required quality in engineers. In order to mitigate this, the supreme engineering institutes came up with the solution of NPTEL – an online platform for the students to learn from the faculty of IITs.
Appreciating and adopting this initiative of IITs, TERii – The Active Local Chapter of NPTEL, IIT Madras introduced this concept to its students and making them understand the relevance of this platform, TERii made NPTEL as a part of its curriculum. The NPTEL subjects are taught as routine subjects and teachers are available 24*7 to share the queries and enhance their knowledge base of students.
Due to the ever rising zeal of the students to appear and clear the NPTEL exams, TERii has been made the ACTIVE LOCAL CHAPTER of NPTEL. TERiians made nearly 1000 enrollments in the year of 2019. Undeniably, TERii is the only reason due to which Kurukshetra has been made the exam centre for the first time. The relevance of NPTEL in their future has made it obligatory for all the youth in professional degrees to undergo such courses.
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